Dear Journal…
The last three months have been a full-on roller coaster ride. May I add, a really fun roller coaster ride, but nevertheless, completely non-stop with little time to catch ones breath!
We’ve had an increased demand for highly experienced housekeepers in the Cotswolds and throughout the UK countryside with particular emphasis on senior wardrobe management skills.
For most of my clients, wardrobe management on some level is key. As expected, lots of their clothes, shoes and bags will be made from luxury materials, fabrics and finishes. Therefore, it is crucial to have someone with extensive experience and knowledge in this area.
The role of a wardrobe manager is to oversee and care for the clothing in the principals’ wardrobes. They could also be involved in changing of the seasons and making sure that the items of clothing are always kept in pristine condition. You will often find that someone with wardrobe management experience will also have extensive knowledge in fabric and can have sewing skills. This helps with the care, cleaning, and organisation of items in the correct environment.
Top tips on being a Wardrobe Manager: